The Four Ennobling Truths: The Basis of Freedom & Awakening

6 Week Class October 10-November 21, 2024
Online 6:30-8:00pm PT

As long as my vision was not fully clear… 
regarding four ennobling truths, 
I did not claim to have realized authentic awakening

2600 years ago the Buddha changed the world with the teachings of the Four Truths. 

Our weekly class will support learning about, discovering, understanding and awakening with the Four Truths. Each week will include meditation, teachings, and interactive investigation to explore & deepen our realization of the Four Truths.

Taught by: Pam Weiss, Victoria Cary, Anushka Fernandopulle, Howard Cohn, Eugene Cash, & John Martin

Registration Fee: $60-$200 sliding scale with no one turned away for lack of funds.